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Filtri molecolari nei sistemi di ventilazione: Bloccano i gas nocivi

People spend over 90% of their lives indoors: at home, in offices, pre-schools and schools, gyms, movie theaters, restaurants, and so on. Indoor air quality is paramount in making sure we stay healthy. Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) can transfer a range of pollutants present in the outside air indoors. Choosing the right air filters is crucial here—according to Eurovent 4/26-2024, there are many decisive factors, but most important is the quality of the outside air respective to the pollution in it.

Which filtration types are there, and when are molecular filters the best choice? Gas filtration vs. particle filtration

Pollutants in the outside air can be divided into two main categories:

Aerosols with solid or liquid particles (from nanoparticles under 0.1 µm to coarser particles over 10 µm)

Molecular pollutants in gases and vapors 


Regarding air quality, different filter systems are required to filter aerosols and gaseous contaminants. Particle filters—usually fiber filters—can only separate particles from airflows in ventilation and air-conditioning systems. However, invisible gaseous pollutants pass through these particle filters unhindered.

Special molecular filters are used to prevent harmful-yet-common gases in the outside air—such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ozone (O3), and volatile organic compounds (VOC)—from penetrating the inside air via HVAC systems. Molecular or gas filtration can be used to remove the smallest of contaminants from the air by using specific technological processes.

MANN+HUMMEL prefers to use activated carbon as an adsorbent for molecular filtration. Thanks to their vast internal surface area, gases can accumulate as a result of Van der Waals forces (i.e., attractive forces between two molecules that spontaneously form dipoles).

Find the right molecular filter that fits your needs!

We have designed individual and customized filter elements for each of your applications.

molecular filtration

We can help you find the right solution for your needs and ensure clean air in accordance with the Eurovent 4/26-2024 guideline.

molecular filtration

Our molecular filters have all undergone the new ISO 10121–3 test procedure for molecular filters. This new standard enables you to make informed purchasing decisions based on clearly defined specifications.

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MANN HUMMEL è qui per supportare le tue esigenze di filtrazione dell'aria! Sia che abbia domande sui nostri prodotti, sia che abbia bisogno di un servizio su misura soluzioni, il nostro team di esperti è pronto ad assisterti. Contattaci via e-mail o telefonicamente per discutere le tue esigenze e lavoriamo insieme per migliorare la qualità dell'aria. Contattaci oggi stesso e sperimenta un servizio eccezionale su misura per la tua azienda!